In the Story Mode, the player can create up to 3 profiles/save states and choose between 12 different profile icons for them. But also shares many similarities between Mario Kart Wii and DS. Unlike many other racing games, Pocoyo Racing has a Story Mode, (which is called “Motor Olympics”), similar to Crash Team Racing. The DS version would also come bundled with the former, or a copy of Hello, Pocoyo!. An inflatable car, or a small Pocoyo toy car. The Wii version of the game usually came bundled with a Wii Wheel, like Mario Kart Wii. It is the second installment in the Pocoyo video game series. The game was only released in Europe and was also planned to be released in the US, being published by SouthPeak Games, however, the release ended up getting canceled for an unknown reason.

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